En annorlunda skog
7–22 november 2020

Welcome to this year's version of Konst i förskolan! En annorlunda skog (A Peculiar Forest) is a giant sculpture, where the works of 500 artists are woven together. The artist Alejandro Montero Bravo is the artist behind this year’s concept. Based on the importance of being different, he has developed an artistic vision for the collaboration with the preschools.
For two weeks, Konsthall C's educators have visited all municipal preschools in Farsta, and together with the children created the branches that will materialize as En annorlunda skog.
When the artwork is in place, it's time for the openings! For a couple of intense weeks, all artists visit the exhibition together with their 4-year-old friends. For Konsthall C, it is important that children not only get to see contemporary art, but that they also learn that they themselves are artists and that their expression should be taken seriously. The collaboration, which has been going on since 2013, obviously looks different during the Corona pandemic. The preschool groups who cannot walk to the art gallery travel in chartered buses.
Installation photography: Louise Helmfrid
Opening for the public
For parents, relatives, siblings and other art lovers, there is the opportunity to visit En annorlunda skog starting with a public opening on Saturday 7/11 at 12–5 PM. Alejandro will read the story, and those who want to try to create their own piece of forest can participate in a drop-in workshop that lasts all day.
In addition, those who want to get to know Hökarängen and the area around Konsthall C, can join a city walk with Anneli Forsberg, who tells about the area's history and peculiarities. The first walk starts already at 10.00 with a gathering outside the art gallery.

Vernissage with drop in workshop and story reading by Alejandro Montero Bravo.
Register your visit via Eventbrite
10.00 & 14.00
"Promenad med pek och prat", city walks with Anneli Forsberg
Welcome to a tour with Anneli Forsberg, around the lovely Hökarängen, where we pay attention to architecture and art, and get quotes from literature and music related to the area. The occasional anecdote also slips away.
10.00: The tobacco area, Skönstaholm, the Weekday area and the center, etc (Duration: 2.5 hours). Start and end at Konsthall C.
14.00: Tobacco area and center, etc (Duration: 1.5 hours). Start and end at Konsthall C.
Registration to coline@konsthallc.se
Maximum 10 people / occasion.
Due to Corona-precautions a maximum of 20 visitors are allowed at Konsthall C. We apologize for any inconvenience.

With special support from Farsta stadsdelsförvaltning.