Embodying Chaos: Ten Years of Hysterix
Opening 15th of December at Konsthall C at 6 pm
Cigarrvägen 14, 123 57 Farsta
18:00 Introduction Ulrika Flink
18:30 Conversation with Angélica Chávez Cáceres, Cecilia Rejtman, Rossana Mercado Rojas and Macarena Dussant
19:15 Break
19:30 Action by Dekoloniala & Hysterix
20:00 SOLOVKINA (Alexandra Nilsson) Mariachi Trash, Trumpet and live-electronics
20:30 Party
A durational intervention of the Peruvian artists collective Hysterix in Konsthall C in Stockholm (December 15, 2022 – January 14, 2023). The intervention consists of conversations and shared practices of care, in which testimony and active listening will be the main methods of knowledge production. La Dekoloniala! and Hysterix co-organize these collaborative actions in which creation and activities of daily life merge to conceive a new body of work.
La Decoloniala! is an educational, artistic and cultural association whose main goal is to highlight decolonial knowledge from the global South that has been pushed aside by the white, Western academic world. Hysterix was born in Lima 10 years ago with the intention of occupying spaces historically denied to women and non-normative bodies through criminalization and gender based violence.
As a warm-up for the artistic intervention, Hysterix has conducted a series of online conversations, "Parte Encuentro". These conversations consisted of meetings between artists, activists, etc. from the global South who populate different territories such as Stockholm, Lima, La Paz and Santa Cruz. All calls are recorded and can be accessed via the links below.
Parte Encuentro Part 1
The feminist collectives Hysterix and Las Insurgentes meet once again to remember and rethink the occasions in which their work and lives have intersected in recent years, around art, celebration, rage and their common struggles. In this conversation, we will reflect on the trajectories that the work of both collectives has taken as it has adapted to changes in society and in the lives of the artists.
Parte Encuentro Part 2
Hysterix Collective and the artists Nadia Callau, Laura Barriga and Rocio Chuquimia have shared spaces of creation, action, reflection and loads of affection. Each one of the participants of this “Parte Encuentro” lives and works in different contexts with specific issues; these places are La Paz, El Alto, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Tentayapi, in the Bolivian Chaco region, Lima and Stockholm. This time they meet to share and reflect on their artistic practices in relation to the territories they inhabit, transit and those they choose to inhabit and transit. What are the places we inhabit? What do they determine? How do we create from there? How do we strengthen ourselves from the distance? How do we strengthen, from the borders that divide us, the radical fabric of affection we have woven together?
Parte Encuentro Part 3
In this Parte Encuentro III, the last meeting prior to our trip to Sweden, Hysterix will present their mingling with the Expanded Networks: Compañeras, comrades who, from their diverse practices such as music, art, activism, and academia, fight and create different possibilities confronting the patriarchal, neoliberal and racist contexts we live in. It will be a meeting with music, readings, and videos where we will discuss anti-racist indigenous anti-colonial black feminisms and the different forms of violence against women and non-conforming gender people. All this within the framework of the next 25N. We want us Alive and Free!