Meditation - Going Inside
29 september 2024

Come join us for a meditation exercise led by Barbara Nelson, meditation teacher and personal student of the Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön, USA.
“We don't set out to save the world; we set out to wonder how other people are doing and to reflect on how our actions affect other people’s hearts.” - Pema Chödrön
As an introduction, we see excerpts from the film "Your mind is Bigger than all the Supermarkets In the World" made by Sander Neant Falk with meditation teacher Upul Gamage, recorded at Nilambe Meditation Center (Sri Lanka).
"...there is an enormous wealth in these conversations and if you don't become "mindful" after this film, nothing will probably help. "/ Helena Lindblad, DN about the film "Your Mind..."
After a short meditation instruction from Barbara Nelson, we will go inside and meditate in silence. We end the meditation session with time for questions, tea and crusts.
Barbara Nelson was born in Canada, lives in Stockholm, and has worked as a meditation mentor in Shambhala Stockholm. Shambhala Stockholm
Pema Chödrön is an American Buddhist teacher and author who has long inspired millions with her down-to-earth message in books such as: "When Things Fall Apart", - Heart Advice for Difficult Times. Read more:
Filmmaker/producer Sander Neant Falk, (Your Mind is Bigger than all the Supermarkets in the World) assists from Konsthall C.
The event Going Inside / Att blicka nåt - is arranged in connection with the exhibition Meditation Room - after Dag Hammarskjöld and takes place in the Meditation Room itself at Konsthall C.